
Services available in two session formats:

Module Sessions

Module Sessions are meant for reviewing the agreed upon module and strategy building for implementation. Each module contains foundational information and is designed to stimulate thought, reflection and clear direction.

Module Sessions are booked by the hour at $180 per hour.

Question and Answer Sessions

Question and Answer Sessions are on demand and available anytime during business hours. Parents and/or caregivers can book one hour sessions (2 issues per session) to seek answers or ask questions regarding any concern. Strategies will be given on the spot.

Scheduled Question and Answer Sessions > $180 per hour.

After hours or Emergency Sessions > $230 per hour.

Expecting Parents


When you are expecting is the perfect time to put parenting tools into your tool box. You and your parenting partner will gain valuable knowledge that will prepare you for the imminent future. Having a plan in place will help you be prepared and feel secure in your parenting skills.

At the end of our sessions for this service, you should leave feeling prepared, educated, and have conviction in your goals and beliefs as a parent.


Parents will book one hour sessions to discuss how to prepare for their new arrival. Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Our Image of a Child 
  3. Early Conditioning
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Self and Co-Regulation
  6. Milestone Review
  7. Enriching Environments

As your baby is approching one year of age, we will meet again to review and implement more age appropriate moldules.


The responsibility of becoming a parent can be overwhelming. Once your baby has arrived, life will change forever as you know it – the most beautiful, rewarding and HARD thing you’ll probably ever do! Feeling prepared and on the same page as your parenting partner not only sets you up for less hardship and more success, it also lays the groundwork for your parenting journey. It may seem early but creating a harmonious, enriching and healthy environment for your child starts as early as you want it to. 


$100 per 1 hour session.




Congratulations! Your life has been forever changed for the better. You feel the true definition of love as soon as that bundle enters your world.

Along with the overwhelming feelings of love, comes overwhelming feelings of responsibility and duty. If you want to be the best parent you can be, (which I know you do) you arm yourself with knowledge and tools.

During these sessions we will cover the necessary information for you to feel, prepared, and educated.  


Parents will book one hour sessions to discuss how to care for their new arrival now, and in the near future. Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Our Image of a Child
  3. Early Conditioning
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Self and Co-Regulation
  6. Milestone Review
  7. Enriching Environments
  8. Compliance/Listening
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Pick Your Battles

In the future, we will meet to review and implement more age appropriate modules. As your child grows and develops, we will continue to meet as needed – booked by appointment.


The responsibility of becoming a parent is enough! The feedings, diapers, appointments and most of all, the sleepless nights can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed. Feeling prepared and on the same page as your parenting partner not only sets you up for less hardship and more success, it also lays the groundwork for your parenting journey. Creating a harmonious, enriching and healthy environment for your child starts as early as you want it to.


$100 per 1 hour session.




Whether you are extpecting, new, or experienced parents, getting on the same page and having a game plan can make your parenting journey a lot smoother. Parenting plans contribute to a more harmonious environment, support child delvelopment and can quite possibly save marriages!

Parents will do seesions together to ensure they are on the same page and agree on the strategies and protocols that will be followed moving forward. You will leave feeling informed and prepared.


Parents will book one hour sessions to discuss how to care for their child (or children) both now, and in the near future. Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Our Image of a Child
  3. Early Conditioning
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Self and Co-Regulation
  6. Milestone Review
  7. Enriching Environments
  8. Compliance/Listening
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Pick Your Battles

In the future, we will meet to review and implement more age appropriate modules. Developmental Modules are also reccommended. As your child grows and develops, we will continue to meet as needed – booked by appointment.


Children with parents who are on the same parenting page are more likely to feel confident, secure, and happy. Just like adults, children thrive the most when they know what is expected and consistancy is in place.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Environmental Analysis


A child’s environment has huge impact on his/her development and behaviour. It contains both measurable and unmeasurable benefits or detriment.

Parents can and should be consciously aware of the environment they are providing and subsecquently, any environment their child spends a considerable amount of time in.

I will come, in person, to your home and strategically analyze any of the following environmental factors: physical, emotional, educational, or developmental. I am not there to critique or judge, rather enhance or contribute – no one is perfect, after all.


Parents will book one hour sessions to discuss how to best set up their child’s (or children’s) environment. Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Environmental Impacts
  2. Enriching Environments
  3. Team Parenting
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Violent Images
  7. Screen Time
  8. Our Image of a Child
  9. Early Conditioning
  10. Milestone Review
  11. Compliance/Listening
  12. Correction and Redirection
  13. Pick Your Battles

In the future, we will meet to review and implement more modules based on indivual needs. Developmental Modules are also strongly reccommended. As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, question and answer sessions are always available upon request.


Awareness, understanding and implementation of strategies within the environment will positively impact the social, emotional and academic development of  the child(ren). After recommended modules are complete, parents can feel confident they are providing an environment conducive to their child thriving.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Individual Behaviour Plans


Each family, child and parenting team is different and unique. An Individual Behaviour Plan is customized to the individual family. Through our conversations, we will target and isolate priority behaviours, environmental factors, developmental milestones, etc. Strategies and protocols for each will then be developed and implemented.


All modules are recommended for Individual Behaviour Plans depending on the family’s needs. The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Please visit the “Modules” page for a full list of available Modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, question and answer sessions are always available upon request.


Individual Plans will  give parents ultimate understanding of  a wholistic approach to parenting and specific strategies for their own child. Regularly sheduled appointments keep families on track and current.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Developmental Review & Planning


Milestones and developmental checklists can be broad and sometimes confusing. It can be hard to know exactly where your child fits in. Maybe you feel that he/she is behind… or ahead, or hits some of the marks but not others. I will assess where your child is at and make recommendations to further development. 


In addition to an assessment and development plan, all modules are recommended. The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Developmental Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Image of a Child
  2. Milestones
  3. Environmental Impacts
  4. Correction and Redirection
  5. Compliance / Listening
  6. Self and Co-Regulation
  7. Embedded Education
  8. Practical Life
  9. Self Help
  10. School Readiness

Please visit the “Modules” page for a complete list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, question and answer sessions are always available upon request.


Speaking about your child’s development can be hard. Because Owl’s Nest is a discreet and private service where confidentiality is taken very seriously, parents can rest assured that all their privacy wishes will be met.

Keeping up to date and on track with development not only informs parents but also sets your child up for success. Providing age appropriate materials, embedding learning into your everyday and knowing the next steps prepares parents and children.

An individual assessment will leave parents feeling informed about where their child is at. In a case where deficits or “flags” are found, referals will be made to consult with qualified professionals such as Therapists or General/Pediatric Practitioners. Proceeding with recommendations is at your discretion and is not an obligation – it is  your choice.



$100 per 1 hour session.

Self and



Each person has his/her own set of self-regulation skills and strategies – also known as coping mechanisms. By starting out early with children, identifying feelings and attaching them to regulation strategies, we set them up to have strong coping mechanisms for the rest of their lives – this is an essential life skill. With challenges such as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, etcetera on the rise, we need to place high value on these skills. A child’s self regulation journey begins with Co-Regulation (when a care giver facilitates self-regulation). Co-Regulation is eventually faded out.

In our sessions parents will learn how to identify their children’s needs and implement regulation strategies. Indroducing self-regulation awareness and practices into your home can have tremendous, life changing effects.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities.  include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Self and Co-Regulation
  2. Sensory Needs
  3. Image of a Child
  4. Milestones
  5. Environmental Impacts
  6. Screen Time
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Violent Images
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Compliance / Listening
  11. Embedded Education
  12. Practical Life
  13. Self Help
  14. School Readiness

Please visit the “Modules” page for more modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


The benefits of a person gaining self regulation (coping) strategies and skills is paramount and often immeasurable. Although each individual is different, early identification and implementation of strategies sets a child up to feel confident, happy, and fulfilled. Carrying these skills through life decreases a person’s likelihood of experiencing the inability to cope as well as medical struggles such as anxiety or depression.


$100 per 1 hour session.





Hard to believe you are preparing for school right? This is a big transition for everyone involved. It is very excitng but can also feel overwhelming and/or stressful. Assessing where your child is at and implementing some simple stratagies and preparations can make the transition so much smoother.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Self and Co-Regulation
  2. Image of a Child
  3. Environmental Impacts
  4. Correction and Redirection
  5. Compliance / Listening
  6. Embedded Education
  7. Self Help
  8. School Readiness

Please visit the “Modules” page for a complete list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, sessions are always available upon request.


Setting your child up for success is paramount. Any preparations you can do to help him feel comfortable and confident will make this time more enjoyable for everyone. Having a smooth transition into school sets a president for other upcoming transitions. There are many factors involved that contribute to a positive experience.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Home School Support


Homeschooling can be overwhelming – especially if you are working from home at the same time! Whether you have been homeschooling for a while, or new to the scene, there are lots of strategies to implement to enhance your experience. Strategic planning, developmental plans, and structure will enrich any program. If you are looking to enhance your already amazing program or starting out from scratch, there are key ingredients to setting you and your child up for success.

We will discuss your current environment and analyze to determine goals and stratgies to set in place.

Sessions will be built around the family’s individual needs.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Homeschool 101
  2. Self and Co-Regulation
  3. Image of a Child
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Pick Your Battles
  6. Correction and Redirection
  7. Compliance / Listening
  8. Embedded Education
  9. Self Help
  10. School Readiness

Please visit the “Modules” page for a complete list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, sessions are always available upon request.


Whether you are a seasoned homeschooler or in the early stages of home learning, having a plan and goals could be the difference between an enriching and/or an unhappy environment. Constructing a purposeful and strategic environment will contribute to harmony and success of your homeschool.


$100 per 1 hour session.




When sibings fight it completely changes the vibe in the home (or wherever you happen to be). It can be encredibly frustrating and exhausting. Together we will come up with an individual plan to prevent, problem solve, and resolve conflicy within your family.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities.  include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Sibling Fighting
  2. Self and Co-Regulation
  3. Conflict Resolution
  4. Problem Solving
  5. Sensory Needs
  6. Milestones
  7. Environmental Impacts
  8. Correction and Redirection
  9. Compliance / Listening
  10. Screen Time
  11. Violent Images
  12. Embedded Education
  13. Self Help

Please visit the “Modules” page for a full list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


Reducing the amount of conflict in the home has positive effects for everyone in it. Not only does it bring the stress level down, it contributes to everyone’s mental wellbeing.

Having high levels of tension and stress in the home can have serious affects on development and mental health.

Identifying the needs of each individual and implementing the correct strategies will give each person the tools to be responsible and capable of managing their own behaviour and role in the harmony of the home.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Overwhelmed Parents 



Do you feel overwhelmed or like you have lost control at home? You are not alone! Many people are “just getting through the day” – it doesn’t have to be this way. We will sit down, analyze the top priorities and start implementing strategies right away. Let’s change “just getting through” to getting the most out of each day.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on needs and priorities.  Recommended modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Correction and Redirection
  3. Compliance / Listening
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Sensory Needs
  6. Image of a Child
  7. Milestones
  8. Environmental Impacts
  9. Problem Solving
  10. Embedded Education

Please visit the “Modules” page for a complete list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are always available upon request.


Parents who feel overwhelmed  all the time are not geting the most out of being a parent. If you’re spending your days, tired, frustrated, or feeling like whatever you do is not enough – seek help. There are often simple changes that can be made and implemented into your day-to-day that will have a big impact in your household for years to come.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Problem Behaviours


“Problem” beahaviours are problematic because they disrupt the harmony of the home and undermine optimal development. Trantrums, defiance, hyper activity, anger, etc., etc. are not easy to live with. Together, we will discuss priorities and build an individual plan that isolates, targets and extinguishes problem behaviour(s).It is important to consider all the factors in the environment that may be contributing to an undesired behaviour. With a little hardwork and detication, most problemiatic behaviours can be curbed. 


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on needs and priorities.  Recommended modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Correction and Redirection
  3. Compliance / Listening
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Sensory Needs
  6. Probem Solving
  7. Image of a Child
  8. Milestones
  9. Environmental Impacts
  10. Embedded Education

Please visit the “Modules” page for a complete list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are always available upon request.


Through our sessions, cargivers will express concerns and prioritize goals. Specific strategies will be provided to target unwanted behviour.  Parents will gain understanding of their children’s behviour and develop skills to manage moving forward.


$100 per 1 hour session.




Wondering how much technology is appropriate for your child? Although technology is an important part of our lives, it is important to have healthy limitations for children while their brain is developing so rapidly.

In this session we will review the information necessary for you to make an educated decision around screen time and technology boundaries. Implementation of strategy, structure and commitment will get you on the right track.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities.  include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Screen Time
  2. Violent Images
  3. Self and Co-Regulation
  4. Conflict Resolution
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Sensory Needs
  7. Milestones
  8. Environmental Impacts
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Compliance / Listening
  11. Embedded Education
  12. Self Help

Please visit the “Modules” page for a full list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


Overuse of technology can have a significant impact on development. While it has a place in a child’s life, it is impairative to maintain a healthy balance.

Setting boundaries, rules and agreements will help keep a balance in place.

Through awareness, self reflection and modelling, a healthy balance is often found for everyone in the household.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Divorced Parents 



Divorce is not easy for anyone in the family unit. With so many emotions and details to sort through, parenting can take a backseat during this time. If you are divorced or planning on getting divorced, it is very important to have a plan in place to continue to co-parent. I will help amicable couples with plans and/or provide mediation for parents struggling to communicate effectively. Communication with surrounding caregivers is also imperative, for example, significant others, Grandparents and babysitters.


Parents will book one hour sessions together, or seperately to discuss how to care for their child (or children) both now, and in the near future. Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Co-Parenting
  2. Image of a Child
  3. Early Conditioning
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Self and Co-Regulation
  6. Milestone Review
  7. Enriching Environments
  8. Compliance/Listening
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Pick Your Battles

Please visit the “Modules” page for a full list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


Having a third party consultant can ease the communication process and often ease the stress of the situation.

Because consistancy is so key for children, it is invaluable when parents can remain committed to effectively co-parenting.

Set yourselves and your child(ren) up for success by investing in your co-operative future.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Single Parenting


Parenting on your own can be stressful and overwhelming. Whether you are a new or experienced single parent having supports in place is imperative to your well being and the development of your child(ren). I will support you and your child(ren) in any way that I can and provide consultation for any challenges along the way.


In the future, we will meet to review and implement more modules based on indivual needs. Developmental Modules are also strongly reccommended. As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.

  1. Image of a Child
  2. Early Conditioning
  3. Environmental Impacts
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Milestone Review
  6. Enriching Environments
  7. Compliance/Listening
  8. Correction and Redirection
  9. Pick Your Battles
  10. Co-Parenting

Please visit the “Modules” page for a full list of modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


Although being (or the thought of being) a single parent can be daunting, it is very important to be prepared, have a plan, and set goals. Together we will discuss your specific needs, thoughts and concerns. Strategy will be implemented into each aspect of your life to make your and your child’s life more balanced and enjoyable.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Spectrum Disorders


Living with an individual on the Spectrum can be challenging, confusing and stressful. It can also be rewarding, fulfilling and fun. Since the Spectrum is so vast, it is very important to assess and accomodate each invidual and family. The goal with these sessions is to enhance and improve the quality of life for the individual on the spectrum, the family and harmony of the home.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Autism – The Basics
  2. Diagnosis Review
  3. Sensory Needs
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Image of a Child
  6. Environmental Impacts
  7. Correction and Redirection
  8. Compliance / Listening
  9. Embedded Education
  10. Self Help
  11. School Readiness
  12. Puberty on the Spectrum
  13. Dating on the Spectrum

Please visit the “Modules” page for more modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


The benefits to learning about and having strategy sessions for Autism Spectrum Disorders is invaluable. Not only will the life of the individual with ASD be enriched, those around the individual will gain understanding and insight into his/her behaviour(s) and needs. Families wil feel more comfortable dealing with behaviours and tackling daily routines both in home and in public.


$100 per 1 hour session.

Puberty on the Spectrum



Talking to individuals on the spectrum about subjects such as puberty can be uncomfortable, awkward, and sometimes frustrating for caregivers. I will coach you through conversations or directly facilitate discussions with the individual. Regardless of the topic, some level of education and understanding is important for the individual to add to his/her repetoire. As your child, young adult, or adult developes physically and mentally it will be important for him/her to gain socially appropriate behaviour and management skills.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Autism – The Basics
  2. Diagnosis Review
  3. Sensory Needs
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Image of a Child
  6. Environmental Impacts
  7. Correction and Redirection
  8. Compliance / Listening
  9. Embedded Education
  10. Self Help
  11. School Readiness
  12. Puberty on the Spectrum
  13. Dating on the Spectrum

Please visit the “Modules” page for more modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


Both the individual on the spectrum and family members around him/her will benefit from developmental education. Focus will be on ettiquette, socially appropriate behaviour and maintaining a healthy balance. Health and Sexual education can be uncomfortable topics within a home; together we will determine age appropriate information and effective communication process.


$100 per one hour session.

Dating on the Spectrum


Dating can be confusing and sometimes uncomfortable for both the individual on the spectrum and his/her family. With some simple coaching, we can help your loved one become more comfortable and prepared to enter the world of dating. Through conversation we will determine how to best educate and support the individual moving forward. 


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Autism – The Basics
  2. Diagnosis Review
  3. Sensory Needs
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Environmental Impacts
  6. Correction and Redirection
  7. Embedded Education
  8. Dating on the Spectrum

Please visit the “Modules” page for more modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Autism – The Basics
  2. Diagnosis Review
  3. Sensory Needs
  4. Self and Co-Regulation
  5. Image of a Child
  6. Environmental Impacts
  7. Correction and Redirection
  8. Compliance / Listening
  9. Embedded Education
  10. Self Help
  11. School Readiness
  12. Puberty on the Spectrum
  13. Dating on the Spectrum

Please visit the “Modules” page for more modules.

As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.



$100 per one hour session.




If you have a Nanny or alternate caregiver for your child(ren) it is important that he or she is on board with your philosophies, behaviour management expectations, and developmental goals. 

A few sessions will give your caregiver a crash course of basic fundamentals. Additional sessions added as needed.


Parents will book one hour sessions for their alternate caregiver(s) to discuss how to optimaly care for their child(ren). Suggested modules include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Team Parenting
  2. Our Image of a Child
  3. Early Conditioning
  4. Environmental Impacts
  5. Self and Co-Regulation
  6. Milestone Review
  7. Enriching Environments
  8. Compliance/Listening
  9. Correction and Redirection
  10. Pick Your Battles

 As your child grows and develops, we will continue to meet as needed – booked by appointment.


When your child is not with you, you want to ensure he is receiving the best care possible.

Educating and providing your caregiver with the correct tools to care for your child will optimize your child’s development and ensure consistency.


$100 per one hour session.

Grandparent Training



If  your child(ren) is going to spend time with Grandparents as caregivers it is important that they are on board with your philosophies, behaviour management expectations, and developmental goals. It can be tricky to have conversations with them regarding your preferences. I will meet with Grandparents directly or facilitate strategy sessions.


The order and frequency of module implementation will be determined together based on priorities. Modules include but are not limited to the following

    1. Team Parenting
    2. Our Image of a Child
    3. Early Conditioning
    4. Environmental Impacts
    5. Self and Co-Regulation
    6. Milestone Review
    7. Enriching Environments
    8. Compliance/Listening
    9. Correction and Redirection
    10. Pick Your Battles


As a family’s support requirements change and evolve, appointments are available upon request.


When your child is not with you, you want to ensure she is receiving the best care possible.

Educating and providing your caregiver with the correct tools to care for your child will optimize your child’s development and ensure consistancy.


$100 per 1 hour session.




Creating healthy living habits is essential to your child’s mental, social, physical, bahavioural and emotional development. In these sessions we will discuss and analyze your current lifestyle to determine if any changes can be made. 


Recommendations will be made based on individual needs. Referrals to necessary professionals may also be suggested.


Creating healthy lifestyle habits will improve all aspects of health and the overall harmony of the home. The key is making changess that are reasonable for your family and most likey to be maintained


$100 per 1 hour session.

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